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Aragonite (fine)

Good source of calcium, low in magnesium. Consists of calcium carbonate mineral (like limestone) that comes from seashells, such as oyster shell. Contains 94-97% calcium carbonate. If you have routinely used dolomitic limestone to sweeten your soil, high levels of magnesium may be tying up other nutrients. Using Aragonite for several seasons will restore the balance.

How it works
Conditions the soil. Lowers acidity of soil without adding unwanted magnesium.

General usage
Use instead of lime in situations where soil is already high in magnesium and where dolomite (high magnesium limestone) is the only liming material available. Can also be used to keep moles, mice, chipmunks and squirrels off newly planted bulbs.

Directions for use
Apply based on results of a soil test.

Aragonite (fine)

Unit Price Qty
50 lb bag $29.95