Organic Gardening Supplies: Fertilizers, Pest and Weed Control, Lawn Care

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Ecoblend w/Clover

Ecoblend w/Clover

A specially designed grass seed mix for lawns that will be managed organically, without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides. ECO-BLEND is the product of 20 years' research with various blends of grass seeds in an attempt to find the "survivors" that perform well with minimal maintenance. ECO-BLEND is made with seed cultivars selected for their improved stress tolerance and reduced fertility needs.
Eco-Blend contains:
35% Mustand II tall Fescue
15% Victory Chewings Fescue
15% Cutter Perennial Ryegrass
15% Spartan Hard Fescue
9.5% Parade Kentucky Bluegrass
10% Pennlawn Red Fescue
0.25% Redtop
0.25% White Clover (optional).

General usage
Suitable for lawns north of the Mason-Dixon line.

Directions for use
Best seeding times: April 1 - June 10 or August 1 - October 1.

Application rates
Apply at the rate of 4-5 lbs per 1,000 square feet.

Ecoblend w/Clover

Unit Coverage Price Qty
25 lb bag 5,000 sq.ft. $89.00

50 lb bag 10,000 sq.ft. $175.00